Town hall 7 base – Best TH7 layout Clash of Clans

Town hall 7 baseThe best and unbeatable layout Town Hall 7 base – this is what every player dreams about when going to the 7 lvl. Town Hall Clash of Clans. But only the smallest players can believe in the existence of such a cool layout TH7. In fact, to protect resources, for a set of cups and to participate in clan wars, TH7 should be built according to different rules. Read more …


Town hall 7 war base

Town hall 7 war base
Town hall 7 war base
Town hall 7 war base
Town hall 7 war base

Town hall 7 trophy base

Town hall 7 trophy base
Town hall 7 trophy base
Town hall 7 trophy base
Town hall 7 trophy base

TH7 base best defense

Town hall 7 defense base
Town hall 7 defense base
Town hall 7 defense base
Town hall 7 defense base

TH7 farming base

Town hall 7 farming base
Town hall 7 farming base
Town hall 7 farming base
Town hall 7 farming base

How to choose a TH 7 base?

Town Hall 7 level allows you to open a new powerful personage in the game Clash of Clans – Dragon. The dragon is capable of causing a powerful scattering attack against any targets, both airborne and terrestrial. As a rule, in the clan wars, the enemy attacks the army consisting of dragons, in order to strengthen the strength of the clan takes the balloons of the highest level. Therefore, special attention when choosing TH7 base should pay attention to air defense. To protect resources and to collect trophies on TH 7, you need to take care of the reflection of ground attacks.


  • The air defense facilities should be dispersed in the center of the layout TH 7 and covered with repositories of resources that have great health;
  • The Air Sweeper must be directed to blowing out the maximum amount of air defense;
  • Air bombs and mines should be located in one place in front of the air defense, to inflict maximum damage;
  • The builder’s huts need to be placed in the layout TH7 corners, this trick sometimes prevents the enemy from getting 3 stars for the attack;


  • Layout TH7 base should be divided into separate compartments;
  • Giant bombs must be paired to cause maximum damage to a group of Giants or Hogs;
  • The springs of the trap must be evenly distributed throughout the base between the defensive structures;

P.S. Town hall 7 war base can be very easily rebuilt in order to protect resources. To do this, you must place the resource stores evenly around the base, closer to the center.

COC base elements of TH 7

1.Town Hall 7Town Hall17
2.Clan Castle Town Hall 7Clan Castle13
3.Laboratory Town Hall 7Laboratory15
4.Builder's Hut Town Hall 7Builder’s Hut4-5
5.Army camp Town Hall 7Army Camp46
6.Elixir Collector Town Hall 7Elixir Collector611`
7.Gold Mine Town Hall 7Gold Mine611
8.Dark Elixir Drill Town Hall 7Dark Elixir Drill13
9.Elixir Storage Town Hall 7Elixir Storage211
10.Gold Storage Town Hall 7Gold Storage211
11.Dark Elixir Storage Town Hall 7Dark Elixir Storage12
12.Spell Factory Town Hall 7Spell Factory13
13.Barracks Town Hall 7Barracks49
14.Dark Barracks Town Hall 7Dark Barracks12
15.Mortar Town Hall 7Mortar35
16.Wizard Tower Hall 7Wizard Tower24
17.Archer Tower Town Hall 7Archer Tower48
18.Cannon Town Hall 7Cannon58
19.Air Defense Town Hall 7Air Defense35
20.Air Sweeper Town Hall 7Air Sweeper13
21.Hidden Tesla Town Hall 7Hidden Tesla23
22.Barbarian King Town Hall 7Barbarian King
23.Wall Town Hall 7Wall1757
24.Air Bomb Town Hall 7Air Bomb23
25.Seeking Air Mine Town Hall 7Seeking Air Mine11
26.Giant Bomb Town Hall 7Giant Bomb22
27.Spring Trap Town Hall 7Spring Trap42
28.Bomb Town Hall 7Bomb64


Personages COC town hall 7

TROOPSmax lvl.
5.Wall Breaker4
11.Hog Rider2
12.Lightning Spell4
13.Healing Spell4
14.Rage Spell4


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